Saturday 16 August 2014

Snail Algo in Scala

A friend of mine just had an interview for a job at Amazon... and he had a funny algorithm to work on. Something that I would describe as a 'snail algorithm' for a matrix. A bit like this:
So, I was wondering how to implement this .. and I wrote this in Scala.. seems to work - although not entirely tested ;-) Some type def
  val numRows = 4
  val numCols = 3        
  val matrixSize = numRows * numCols 
  type Coord = (Int, Int)
  type Operand = (Int, Int)
  type Path = List[Coord]

  val incs = List((0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0))
incs defines directions: go right, go down, go left, go up, etc. In order to continuously iterate through those values, I used Stream.continually():
  val incsIt = (for(x <- Stream.continually(); y <- incs) yield y).iterator
  def nxtOp = 
Then a small recursive function to snail-walk the matrix:
  def walk(coord: Coord = (0, 0), op: Operand = nxtOp, path: Path = List()): Path = {
    if (path.size == matrixSize) path else {
      val nrc = (coord._1+op._1, coord._2+op._2)
      if (nrc._1 < 0 || nrc._1 >= numRows || nrc._2 < 0 || nrc._2 >= numCols || (path contains nrc))
        walk(coord, nxtOp, path)
        walk(nrc, op, if (path.size == matrixSize-2) path :+ coord :+ nrc else path :+ coord)
The result for (4, 3) shows:
  val p1 = walk()                                 

//> p1  : org.jts.z.Snail.Path = 
// List((0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,2), (3,2), (3,1), (3,0), (2,0), (1,0), (1,1), (2,1))
I really have the feeling it can be done in a better way. Have not found how yet.

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