For tonight, what about a small, generic algorithm Scala lib?
Let's start with some basic definition:
case class NbChromos(val nb: Int) extends AnyVal
case class NbGenes(val nb: Int) extends AnyVal
Then the core lib, an abstract class that will be implemented for specific solutions.
T is the type of the underlying gene, U, the type of the target (solution)
You can see the implementations for the methods cross, mutates for a gene, and the whole chromosome.
The 3 methods that must be implemented for a specific problem are (1) the basic gene mutation
~~(), (2) the decoder to decode the chromosome
def decoder and (3) the evaluator function
def evaluator.
abstract class GA[T, U] {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def nbgenes2int(obj: NbGenes): Int = obj.nb
implicit def nbchromos2int(obj: NbChromos): Int = obj.nb
protected val rnd = new scala.util.Random
protected def nextInt(upper: Int) = rnd.nextInt(upper)
type Gene = T
type Chromo = Seq[Gene]
type Population = Seq[Chromo]
def ~~(): Gene // Generates a random gene
def ~~(gene: Gene): Gene = ~~() // Mutates a given gene
def xx(c1: Chromo, c2: Chromo): (Chromo, Chromo) = { // Crosses two chromosomes
require(c1.length == c2.length, s"Crossing chromos of different lengths ${c1.length} != ${c2.length}")
val idx = nextInt(c1.length)
val rmi = c1.length - idx
(c1.take(idx) ++ c2.takeRight(rmi), c2.take(idx) ++ c1.takeRight(rmi))
def ~~(c: Chromo): Chromo = { // Mutates a chromosome
val idx = nextInt(c.length)
val mc = ~~(c(idx))
c.take(idx) ++ List(mc) ++ c.takeRight(c.length - 1 - idx)
def ~#(nbGenes: NbGenes): Chromo = // Generates a random chromosome
(for(i <- 0 until nbGenes) yield ~~())
def ~#(nbChromos: NbChromos, nbGenes: NbGenes): Population = { // Generates a random population
val nbc = if (nbChromos%2 == 0) nbChromos.nb else 1 + nbChromos.nb // Makes sure we have an even number
for(i <- 0 until nbc) yield ~#(nbGenes)
// The algorithm uses a 'decoder' (to decoded a chromo into the target),
// an 'evaluator' to evaluate a solution towards its target
// and a generic 'solve' method
def decoder(chromo: Chromo): U
def evaluator(solution: U, target: Option[U]): Double // The higher the number the worst, 0 is the best
def solve(decode: Chromo => U)(evaluate: (U, Option[U]) => Double)
(nbChromos: NbChromos, nbGenes: NbGenes, target: Option[U], crossOverRate:Double = 0.7, mutationRate:Double = 0.2, maxIterations:Double = 10000): (Chromo, U, Double) = {
val nbBests = 2
val initialPopulation = ~#(nbChromos, nbGenes)
def ~!#(in: Population, out: Population = Seq()): Population = {
val rndDouble = rnd.nextDouble
if (in.isEmpty) out else {
val c1h = in.head
val rcs = in.tail
val c2h = rcs.head
if (rndDouble < mutationRate) { // Let's mutate
val mc1 = ~~(c1h)
val mc2 = ~~(c2h)
~!#(rcs.tail, List(mc1, mc2) ++ out)
} else if (rndDouble < crossOverRate) {
val cxs = xx(c1h, c2h)
~!#(rcs.tail, List(cxs._1, cxs._2) ++ out)
} else
~!#(rcs.tail, List(c1h, c2h) ++ out)
} // crosses, mutates, or copies the population into a new population
def solve(population: Population, iter: Int = 0): Chromo = {
val sortedChromos = population.sortBy(w => evaluate(decode(w), target))
if (iter > maxIterations) {
} else {
val bests = sortedChromos.slice(0, nbBests)
val best = bests(0)
val bestDecoded = decode(best)
val evaled = evaluator(bestDecoded, target)
if (iter%1000 == 0) println(s"Current iter $iter, found $bestDecoded")
if (evaled == 0) {
println(s"Found a solution in $iter iterations")
} else {
val shuffledChromos = rnd.shuffle(sortedChromos.take(sortedChromos.length-nbBests))
val nextChromos = ~!#(shuffledChromos)
val newPopulation = bests ++ nextChromos
solve(newPopulation, iter+1)
} // solves the problem
val best = solve(initialPopulation)
val bestDecoded = decode(best)
val bestScore = evaluate(bestDecoded, target)
(best, bestDecoded, bestScore)
} // def solve
That is it for the "core" lib.
Let's try this on 3 problems: a word finder, a formula finder and a circle fitter (like the one at the
bottom of this page)
Problem one: Word finder
Given a random set of characters, find a target string.
class PhraseGA extends GA[Char, String] {
private val from = 'a'; val to = 'z'
private def rndChar: Char = (rnd.nextInt(to-from+1)+from).toChar
override def ~~(): Gene = rndChar
override def decoder(chromo: Chromo) = => g.toString).mkString
override def evaluator(sol: String, tgt: Option[String]): Double =
if (sol.length() != tgt.get.length()) Double.MaxValue else
(for(i <- 0 until sol.length) yield if (sol(i).equals(tgt.get(i))) 0 else 100).sum
object WordFinder {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sga = new PhraseGA
val target = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
val targetLength = target.length
val result = sga.solve(sga.decoder)(sga.evaluator)(NbChromos(100), NbGenes(targetLength), Some(target))
println(s"result: $result")
Problem two: Formula finder
Given a sets of digits and operands, find a formula that results into a given number.
import org.mvel2.MVEL
class FormulaFinder extends GA[Char, String] {
private val digits = List('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')
private val operands = List('+', '-', '/', '*')
private val domain = digits ++ operands
private def rndElem = domain(rnd.nextInt(domain.length))
override def ~~(): Gene = rndElem
override def decoder(chromo: Chromo) = => g.toString()).mkString
override def evaluator(sol: String, tgt: Option[String]): Double = {
try {
val eval = MVEL.eval(sol+"+0.0")
val tgtSol = eval.asInstanceOf[Double]
val tgtAsD = tgt.get.toDouble
} catch {
case t: Throwable => Double.MaxValue
object FormulaFinder {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sga = new FormulaFinder
val target = "123456"
val result = sga.solve(sga.decoder)(sga.evaluator)(NbChromos(100), NbGenes(9), Some(target))
println(s"result: $result")
Problem three: Circle Fitter
Fits the bigger circle possible in an area full of circles.
This problem is the one at
the bottom of this page.
case class Circle(val x: Int, val y: Int, val radius: Int) {
val dxy = (x - radius, y - radius)
val dwh = (radius * 2, radius * 2)
val surface = Math.PI * radius.toDouble * radius.toDouble
def dist(other: Circle) = Math.sqrt((x - other.x) * (x - other.x) + (y - other.y) * (y - other.y))
def intersect(other: Circle) = (radius + other.radius) > dist(other)
def draw(g2d: java.awt.Graphics2D) = g2d.drawOval(dxy._1, dxy._2, dwh._1, dwh._2)
override def toString = s"C($x, $y, $radius)"
case class Area(val w: Int, val h: Int, val max: Int) {
val maxVal = Math.max(w, h)
val rnd = new scala.util.Random
val circles = for(i <- 0 until max) yield Circle(ni(w), ni(h), ni((w*.2).toInt))
val nbCircles = circles.length
def ni(i: Int) = rnd.nextInt(i)
def persist2file(best: Circle) {
val image = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(w, h, java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
val g2d = image.createGraphics
circles.foreach(c => {
g2d.drawString(c.toString, c.x, c.y)
g2d.drawString(best.toString, best.x, best.y)
javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(image, "png", new"area.png"))
println("Drawn circles")
class CircleFitter(val area: Area) extends GA[Int, Circle] {
private def rndVal = rnd.nextInt(area.maxVal)
private val maxRadius = Math.min(area.h/2, area.w/2)
private val maxSurface = Math.PI * maxRadius * maxRadius
override def ~~(): Gene = rndVal
override def decoder(chromo: Chromo) = Circle(chromo(0), chromo(1), chromo(2))
override def evaluator(sol: Circle, tgt: Option[Circle]): Double = {
// bigger the surface, the better
val surfaceScore = Math.abs(1.0 - sol.surface / maxSurface)
// fewer number of intersections, the better
val nbIntersects = (for(c <- area.circles) yield if (sol.intersect(c)) 1.0 else 0.0).sum
val interesectScore = nbIntersects / area.nbCircles
// the solution must be strongly inside
val insideScore = if ((sol.x-sol.radius < 0) || (sol.x+sol.radius > area.w) ||
(sol.y-sol.radius < 0) || (sol.y+sol.radius > area.h)) 10.0 else 0.0
surfaceScore + interesectScore * 3.0 + insideScore
object CircleFitter {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val area = Area(800, 600, 25)
val circleFitter = new CircleFitter(area)
val best = circleFitter.solve(circleFitter.decoder)(circleFitter.evaluator)(NbChromos(1000), NbGenes(3), None, .7, .2, 1000)
Have fun.
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